“If you think good design is expensive you should look at the cost of bad design.” Dr.Ralf Speth, CEO Jaguar
We are lucky enough to work with some great clients that value design and understand how hard we work to creatively solve problems.
The jackpot no designer wants to win, our bingo card of client comments will be all too familiar to a few. Many designers will know the feeling when a client will turn to you and say things such as ‘I could have done that in 5 minutes’, ‘what do you do, colour-in all day?’ and the ‘why am I paying for something so simple’. With the rise of computers and technology these days, many people consider themselves designers just because they think they have the tools to do so. What they don’t always have is the knowledge and experience designers work so hard to gain, or the creative mind to conceptualise ideas.
Creative input is important from your client, but sometimes clients can try to lead the project too much. Everyone has their tastes, choices and opinions but you wouldn’t tell a lawyer how you think they should work or a doctor why you think your way of doing something is better than theirs. So why is a profession in design so different?
We are lucky enough to work with some great clients that value design and understand how hard we work to creatively solve problems.
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