5 Customer Retention Tips for Brands

5 Customer Retention Tips for Brands
2 minutes read. May 1st, 2019.

Connection through experience

Modern-day branding is all about immersive, seamless experiences. From perfect tone of voice to creating tailored, personalised experiences, the aim is to make things easier for your audience to connect to your brand. It’s important to leave no stone unturned – even something as simple as optimising your brand’s website for mobile (see our previous post on the importance of that) can go a long way – people will be happy to stay loyal to your brand if the experience it offers is accessible from just about anywhere.

Creating community

Give people a platform and they will use it. Interacting with your customers creates a sense of community and involvement, and it all revolves around your brand – what better way to create some positive momentum? Post news updates, ask people’s opinions and interact with them – it’s a great way to see how people feel about your brand whilst showing that you’re listening to your audience.

Loyalty rewards

A loyalty program can be a creative way of attracting customers via a seamless extension of your branding. And loyalty programs don’t just have to mean free giveaways – offering exclusivity and special access or privileges to existing customers will keep your brand firmly in their minds – and the minds of others, through recommendations.

Following up

Never forget to follow things up with your customer. Post-purchase emails are a good example of this – they offer the opportunity to point your customer towards recommended services, for instance. Present-day consumers are less objective are more concerned with which brands actually care.

Don’t change (too much)

There comes a time when all brands need a refresh of some sort. Ensure that any changes aren’t too radical that they alienate your customer base. Repeat custom is built on recognisability, and people will return to a brand that they can identify easily.

Looking for some creative ideas to boost customer retention? Get in touch today.

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5 Customer Retention Tips for Brands

Paul Hough

Creative Director

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