Ignition Campaign

Ignition Campaign

In need of a strong brand campaign? Well that's exactly what our client Ignition RM were thinking when they came to us. They knew they needed a more creative approach to tell the story of their approach to Fleet Risk Management to clients across the UK.

Direct mail creative design on the presses

We worked with the team at Ignition to develop a collaborative, creative project that would turn their brand story into an asset. The distinctiveness starts with an iconic monogram, and is paired with strong messaging and an unusual approach to promotional materials.

Who can ignore a beautiful silk screened parking ticket landing on their door mat? And who wouldn’t plug in when a company specialising in transport management offers you a USB key? It just goes to show that a creative-led approach to your campaigns can really set you apart from the competition. In fact, your brand is the biggest asset you have. And that might be worth investing in.

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Ignition Campaign

Paul Hough

Creative Director

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