BAE Systems 'Energy Saving Waste' Campaign

BAE Systems 'Energy Saving Waste' Campaign

BAE Systems Energy Saving Campaign poster 1 close up

Wasting energy is no joke. But making a joke about it is a pretty good way to get peoples’ attention. BAE Systems asked us to help them with a poster campaign that would show employees how much energy they waste over the Easter holiday. To connect with a large audience, we took a tongue-in-cheek approach with some creative copywriting to deliver the vital statistics in a way we can all relate to. The campaign was such a success that BAE Systems asked us to do the same at Christmas. An important message delivered in a fun way is always a great way to get your point across.

BAE Systems 'Energy Saving Waste' Campaign

A poster campaign to highlight to BAE Systems employees the amount of wasted energy the business goes through during the Easter holiday period. To connect with a large audience, we have taken a tongue-in-cheek approach with some creative copywriting to deliver the financial figures to people in a way we can all relate, and after a successful reaction to the campaign, a similar approach has been taken for a Christmas campaign. An important message delivered in a fun way to great effect.

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BAE Systems 'Energy Saving Waste' Campaign

Paul Hough

Creative Director

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