

Let’s not be delicate about it, selling is what a marketing campaign is designed to do. And when the world is this bloomin’ noisy, that’s no mean feat. So how are you going to do it?

Integrated campaigns // Brand campaigns // Conversion campaigns // Creative Concepts //

Integrated campaigns

When no one is focused on anything for too long you can’t expect one ad in one place to hit home. So if you want to make a big noise, it’s not just what you say and how you say it. It’s where you say it that counts. That’s the beauty of an integrated campaign with Think!. Yes, your ad zings like a lemon on steroids, but it also targets your customers like a sniper and zeroes in on them wherever they are – online, in print, in app or by email. And the more impressions you make, the more of an…er… impression you make. Grab their attention.

Brand campaigns

Your brand has the power to stir the emotions, to stimulate the feels and to take up residence in your customers’ heads. And there’s you thinking you just made ‘stuff’. Tch. A brand campaign is a slower burn, designed to let your brand drip, drip, drip into the memory. Take Apple. Sometimes they’ll run a campaign advertising the latest iPhone. But sometimes they’ll run a campaign that has no ambition other than to make you think ‘wow, Apple’. How do they do that? They do it by sharing values. By tapping into deep emotion. By making you feel.

Conversion campaigns

We promise not to get all nerdy about this, but there are two types of campaign. One is the long term brand builder. But equally important is the short term, ‘here’s our product/service, buy it now’ sort of campaign. This is all about getting your customer to do something. For that, you’ll need messages and offers that get them over the line. Whether that’s via digital display, search, or something that hasn’t been invented yet - we’ve got you covered.

Creative Concepts

Mail’s arrived. On your desk right now are some brown envelopes you really don’t want to open, the odd brochure, and a bit of junk mail that may as well have ‘bin’ written in big letters on it. Your inbox and social feeds are the same. Lots of offers you skip. Lots of ads you ignore. But what’s this? Something clever. Something that makes you laugh or say, ‘I’ve never seen that before’. Something that gets your fingers tapping, clicking or unfolding. That’s the result we’re after. It’s the ad that grabs. It’s the poster or banner on the bus stop, bridge or building. It’s the box you package your products in that’s says, ‘this really is worth paying a premium for’. That’s creative concepts at Think!Creative.

Need a campaign that gets things moving?
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